If you have an open-minded sense of what constitutes a Christmas carol and choose to dress in black rather than green and red, the Nightmare »
“Support your scene!” is the battle cry for everyone who appreciates the musicians in their midst, the creative locals that work to make their corner »
Working in the room, the garage, even a rented studio – if the money is available – is a great way to refine skills and »
It’s a shock, honestly, that Googling the word “prolific” doesn’t return a picture of King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard to help illustrate the »
Gender-bending music with visual pop to match is a form of invention that needs reinventing itself from time to time, even though we’ll always cherish »
When people bring up “Florida Man,” they’re usually talking about scraggly dudes perpetrating insane crimes or other harebrained schemes that end in calamity and a »
An artist’s hair sewn into fabric. A towering painting of a skeleton. An old-fashioned steamer trunk, balanced on a mannequin in place of a head, »
For the past seven years, South Florida photographer Roberto Badillo has made live music his primary subject, encapsulating artists’ raw power and emotion as it »
At the turn of the century, a hive mind of experts infused with cultural edification determined that the Gutenberg Press may be humanity’s greatest invention. »
The 1998 debut album by the French duo Air lives on as an end-of-century wish. The vibe shift, post-grunge, was already positive just as Air’s »
There’s always going to be interesting sounds coming from a band featuring twins. Whether it’s the disco of the Bee Gees or the indie rock of »